Ideas for using compost – 10 ways to use your soilkind compost

Extra lots of soilkind compost and no idea what to do with it? We'll show you 10 ways to use your compost, giving something back to nature and spreading great compost joy at the same time. Let's get started.
Ideen für die Kompost Verwendung – 10 Arten deinen soilkind Kompost zu nutzen

Compost in just 48 hours. This means that if you cook regularly and use soilkind, you will also regularly produce fresh compost. Depending on how many people live in your household and use soilkind , 10 liters of organic waste can be recycled per composting cycle. This produces around 1.5 liters of fresh, nutrient-rich compost. You mix this with fresh soil in a ratio of 1 to 10.

But what should you do with your soilkind compost? We have 10 ideas for you on how you can use our compost to ensure happy plants and healthy soil:

Small disclaimer - please find out in which months your plants need fertilizer, as there is no one-size-fits-all formula. If you use compost outside, winter is definitely a rest period.

  1. Veggie Lovers
    Whether on the balcony, in a raised bed or in the garden: soilkind compost provides your vegetable plants with the best nutrients. Simply add it to your bed, water it and you're done.

  2. Cheeky little fruit
    The same applies to the sweet friends in the garden. But it's not just plants like strawberry bushes or raspberry bushes that appreciate the extra portion of soilkind fertilizer: you can also spread the compost on large fruit trees. There's no need to mix it with potting soil here - the rain washes the compost into the soil.

  3. Urban Jungle
    From succulents to monsteras – all plants in your four walls love your soilkind compost. Just like outside in the wild, the same applies indoors: mix your compost with fresh soil in a ratio of 1 to 10 and add the compost to the soil in the pot.

  4. Natural treasure
    Do you want to surprise your gardening friends with a very personal gift? Then prepare a fresh soilkind jar. Our compost is extra hygienic and will last for several years if packaged dry. It is best to store the compost well protected from light, then every nutrient is well preserved.
  5. Keep on rolling
    Whether as a small souvenir or for your next nighttime guerrilla gardening: soilkind compost is an excellent base for seed bombs. Simply mix your favorite bee-friendly wildflower seeds with compost and a little clay and a splash of water until the mixture can be easily rolled into balls. Done.

  6. Seedlings
    Are you already a garden pro and grow your own seedlings? Great. Soilkind compost is also a good base for potting soil. This way, your baby plants in the bed are supplied with important nutrients right from the start.

  7. To good neighbours
    City and park trees in particular struggle in the warmer months. Treat them to something good the next time you go for a walk or go shopping. Simply take some soilkind compost with you in a jar and spread it around happily. If you water the tree a little at the same time, the compost can penetrate the soil more quickly.

  8. Upper class
    You can also mix our soilkind compost into your mulch in the garden and sprinkle it on the top layer of beds or soil. Mulch helps to preserve soil moisture and supports soil fertility and health.

  9. Always stay relaxed
    What works at the top also works in the middle. You can work the soilkind compost into the soil anywhere in the garden, creating more aeration and looseness in the soil, which helps your soil to absorb and hold more water.

  10. Hello lawn
    Such an important ecosystem that is often neglected in everyday gardening. You can also spread the soilkind compost over a large area of ​​your lawn from your hand. Here too, a quick watering afterwards allows the fresh compost to seep into the soil straight away.